How Do I Edit Content Blocks in WordPress?

There are a few different ways to edit content blocks in WordPress. You can use the built-in WordPress editor, or you can use a third-party plugin like WPBakery Page Builder to edit content blocks.

To use the built-in WordPress editor, first click on the content block you want to edit. Then, click on the “Editor” link in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

The WordPress editor will open and you can start editing the content. To add new content, click on the “New” button and type in your new content.

To edit existing content, click on the “Edit” button and make your changes.

To use a third-party plugin like WPBakery Page Builder, first click on the content block you want to edit. Then, click on the “Page Builder” link in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

The WPBakery Page Builder will open and you can start editing the content. To add new content, click on the “Add New” button and type in your new content.

To save your changes, click on the “Save” button.

Finally, to preview your changes, click on the “Preview” button.

If you’re happy with your changes, click on the “Publish” button to publish your content block.

If you’re not happy with your changes, you can always go back and make more changes until you’re satisfied.


Editing content blocks in WordPress is easy. Just use the built-in WordPress editor or a third-party plugin like WPBakery Page Builder.