How Do I Change My WordPress Port?

If you are experiencing difficulty connecting to your WordPress site using the default port, there are several steps you can take to change your WordPress port.

First, consult your hosting provider’s documentation on how to change your WordPress port. Many hosting providers offer a convenient port forwarding feature that allows you to easily change your WordPress port without any additional configuration.

If you are unable to change your WordPress port using your hosting provider’s port forwarding feature, you can try to change your WordPress port manually. To do this, you will need to access your WordPress site’s configuration file (usually located at wp-config.

php) and change the port number associated with your WordPress site.

Once you have changed your WordPress port, you will need to reconfigure your web browser to use the new port number. To do this, open your web browser, type your website’s domain name (without the www. portion) into the address bar, and press Enter. Next, type the port number followed by a colon (:), and then press Enter.

Finally, type your WordPress site’s domain name (including the www. portion) into the address bar and press Enter.

If you are still experiencing difficulty connecting to your WordPress site, you may want to consider using a different port number. Alternatively, you can try using a different web browser to connect to your WordPress site.