How Do I Edit a WordPress Text Template?

Editing a WordPress text template can be a daunting task, but with a few simple steps, it’s easy to make your changes.

To begin editing a text template, first locate the template file in your WordPress installation. You can find the template files in the wp-content/themes/yourtheme directory.

Once you’ve located the template file, you’ll need to open it in your text editor. Most text editors include a template editor, so you don’t need to download or install a separate editor.

To start editing the template, first locate the section of the template you want to modify. The template includes a header and a body, so you’ll want to start by editing the header.

The header includes the theme name and the date the template was created, so you’ll want to change the theme name and date to match your own theme.

Next, you’ll want to locate the content section of the template. This section includes the text that will appear on the page.

To begin editing the text, you’ll first need to locate the element you want to modify. This can be a word, a phrase, or a list of items.

Once you’ve located the element, you’ll need to start editing the text. To do this, you’ll need to know the four basic editing commands: cuts, copy, paste, and delete.


To cut a text element, you’ll first need to select the element with your cursor. Then, you’ll press the ctrl (Command) key and use the mouse to drag the element to the clipboard.


To copy a text element, you’ll first need to select the element with your cursor.


To paste a text element, you’ll first need to select the element with your cursor.


To delete a text element, you’ll first need to select the element with your cursor. Then, you’ll press the delete key and use the mouse to drag the element to the trash can.