How Do I Display Custom Post Category Wise in WordPress?

Creating custom post categories can be a helpful way to organize your WordPress blog posts. However, it can be difficult to display custom post categories category wise on your WordPress blog.

There are a few different ways to accomplish this.

One way to display custom post categories category wise is to use the wp_list_categories() function. This function returns a comma-separated list of all the custom post category names in your blog.

You can then use the get_the_category() function to retrieve the category object for a given category name. This object contains information about the category, such as the name, the slug, and the post type.

Another way to display custom post categories category wise is to use the get_the_category_list() function. This function returns a comma-separated list of all the custom post category names in your blog, as well as the category ID for each category.

You can then use the WP_Post_Category::get_the_category() function to retrieve the category object for a given category ID.

Finally, you can use the get_the_term_list() function to retrieve a comma-separated list of all the custom post category terms in your blog. You can then use the WP_Post_Category::get_the_term() function to retrieve the term object for a given term ID.

This object contains information about the term, such as the name, the slug, and the post type.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Using the wp_list_categories() function is the easiest way to accomplish this task, but it is less flexible than the other two methods.

Using the get_the_category() function is the most flexible, but it requires that you know the category ID for each category. Using the get_the_term_list() function is the least flexible, but it requires that you know the term ID for each term.

Ultimately, the best way to display custom post categories category wise on your WordPress blog is to use a combination of these three methods.