How Do I Create Multiple Galleries in WordPress?

Creating multiple galleries in WordPress is a relatively easy process. The first step is to create a new gallery. The next step is to add a new post to the gallery.

The post will include a link to the gallery. To add the link, go to the post’s content editor, and under the “Links” tab, add a link to the gallery.

The final step is to configure the gallery. Go to the gallery’s settings page and under the “General” tab, click on the “Galleries” button.

The “Galleries” page will display all the galleries that you have created. To add a new gallery, click on the “Add New Gallery” button.

The “Add New Gallery” page will display all the posts that are in the current gallery. To add a new post to the gallery, click on the “Add New Post” button.

The “Add New Post” page will display all the posts that are in the current post’s parent gallery. To add a new post to a different gallery, click on the “Add New Post” button, and then select the gallery from the “Gallery Type” dropdown menu.

The “Add New Post” page will display all the posts that are in the current post’s parent gallery.

Once the posts have been added to the galleries, the final step is to configure the galleries. Go to the “Galleries” page, and under the “General” tab, click on the “Edit Galleries” button.

The “Edit Galleries” page will display all the galleries that you have configured. To add a new post to a different gallery, click on the “Add New Post” button, and then select the gallery from.