How Do I Create Custom Categories in WordPress?

Creating custom WordPress categories can help you organize your content more effectively, and make it easier for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

To create a custom WordPress category, first open the category screen in the WordPress admin area. You’ll see a list of all the existing categories in your site.

To create a new category, click the “New” button on the toolbar and fill in the following details:

Name : Enter a name for your new category.

: Enter a name for your new category. Parent Category: Select the parent category from which this new category will be a child.

Select the parent category from which this new category will be a child. Description: Add a brief description of the category.

Click the “Create” button to create your new category.

Now you’ll need to assign your new category to some posts. To do this, click the “Posts” tab in the WordPress admin area and select the post you want to assign the category to.

Then click the “Categories” tab and select the category you just created.

Now all the posts in the selected post will have the category assigned to them.

If you want to remove a category from a post, just select the post and click the “Categories” tab. Then select the category you want to remove and click the “Remove” button.

Finally, if you want to add a post to a category that doesn’t already have a post in it, just select the post and click the “Categories” tab. Then select the category you want the new post to be added to and click the “Add” button.