How Do I Create an Editor Role in WordPress?

Creating an editor role in WordPress can be a daunting task, depending on your experience and needs. If you’re new to WordPress, or have never created a role before, we recommend using the WordPress Codex as a starting point.

Once you have a basic understanding of how roles work in WordPress, you can begin to create your editor role. To do this, you’ll need to:

Choose a name for your role. This is the name you will use when you’re logged in to the WordPress admin area.

Create a new role in the WordPress admin area.

Click on the “edit” link next to your role’s name.

On the role’s edit screen, you’ll need to: Select the “administer posts and pages” option. Check the “Editor” box. Click on the “Add Role Role Member” button.

Enter your name into the “Role Name” field. Click on the “Add Member” button.

Your editor role is now set up and ready to use!

When you’re logged in to the WordPress admin area, you will see your editor role listed under the “Roles” section. Click on your editor role name to get started.

Your editor role will give you access to all the features and tools that are available to WordPress core authors. You will be able to:

Edit posts and pages.

Create and manage posts and pages.

Add media files to posts and pages.

Delete posts and pages.

Grant or deny access to posts and pages to other roles.

To make changes to a post or page, click on the “edit” link next to it. Then, click on the “edit content” link to get started.

If you need help using your editor role, or any of the features that are available to it, you can always contact a WordPress core author for assistance.