How Do I Create a Vertical Menu in WordPress?

Creating a vertical menu in WordPress is easy. To start, create a new menu item in the WordPress admin area.

In the menu item’s text field, type a unique menu item name. For example, you could create a menu item called “Products” to hold all of your product information.

Next, add a new menu item to your menu item by clicking the “Add New” button. In the “Menu Item Type” drop-down menu, select “Vertical Menu.”

Now, in the “Menu Item Title” field, type a catchy title for your menu item. For example, you could call your new menu item “Products.”

In the “Menu Item Text” field, type a brief description of your menu item. For example, you could say “Products: A list of all of your product information.”

Finally, add a link to your menu item in the “Link to This Menu Item” field. For example, you could type in “Products: A list of all of your product information.”

Your vertical menu is now ready to use! Simply click your new menu item to access all of your product information.