How Do I Make a Horizontal Menu Vertical in WordPress?

Making a horizontal menu vertical in WordPress is a simple process. In most cases, you’ll need to edit a few lines of code in your theme’s functions.

php file.

To make a horizontal menu vertical in WordPress, you’ll first need to identify the line in your theme’s functions.php file that defines your menu’s layout. In most cases, this line will look something like this:

function mytheme_menu() {


Next, you’ll need to locate the line that defines your menu’s orientation. In most cases, this line will look something like this:


You’ll then need to change the orientation value to vertical. To do this, you’ll need to replace the horizontal value with the word “vertical.

” For example, if the menu orientation value is currently set to “horizontal,” you would replace the value with “vertical.”.

Finally, you’ll need to save your changes to your functions.php file.

Once you’ve done this, your menu will now be vertical, and it will be displayed in the correct orientation.