How Do I Create a Toggle in WordPress?

Toggles are a great way to control the visibility of a piece of content on your WordPress website. They’re simple to create, and you can use them to easily change the visibility of a single post, a group of posts, or an entire website.

To create a toggle in WordPress, first determine what type of toggle you want to create. There are three types of toggles available in WordPress: post toggles, group toggles, and website toggles.

Post toggles are used to control the visibility of individual posts. To create a post toggle, first create a new post. Then, go to the header of your post, and click the icon that looks like a box with a checkmark inside it. This will open the post’s edit screen.

Click the “Toggle visibility” link in the “Attributes” column. This will open the “Toggle visibility” page, where you can select the type of toggle you want to create.

Group toggles are used to control the visibility of groUPS of posts. To create a group toggle, first create a new group. Then, go to the header of your group, and click the icon that looks like a box with a checkmark inside it. This will open the group’s edit screen.

Website toggles are used to control the visibility of entire websites. To create a website toggle, first create a new website. Then, go to the header of your website, and click the icon that looks like a box with a checkmark inside it. This will open the website’s edit screen.

Once you’ve determined the type of toggle you want to create, click the “Create” button. This will create the toggle, and open the “Toggle creation” page.

On this page, you will need to enter a name for the toggle, and a description of the toggle. You can also add a icon for the toggle.

Finally, you will need to determine whether the toggle will be active or inactive. To make the toggle active, click the “Active” button.

To make the toggle inactive, click the “Inactive” button.

Congratulations! You have now created your first toggle in WordPress.