How Do I Add a Search Toggle Effect in WordPress?

Adding a search toggle effect in WordPress is a breeze. All you need is a little code and a few simple steps. Here’s how to do it:

1. Open your WordPress site in your web browser.

2. Navigate to the Appearance > Widgets area.

3. Click on the “Search” widget to open its settings.

4. On the “Search” widget settings page, scroll down to the “Toggle Effect” section and select the “Search Engine” option.

5. Click on the “Configure” button to configure the search toggle effect.

6. In the “Toggle Effect” dialog box, select the “Search By” option and enter the query you want to use as the search toggle effect.

7. Click on the “OK” button to save your changes and return to the widgets area.

8. Click on the “Search” widget to open its settings and activate the search toggle effect.

9. Enjoy your new search toggle effect!


Adding a search toggle effect in WordPress is easy and can help you easily find the information you’re looking for on your website.