How Do I Create a to Do List in WordPress?

Creating a to do list in WordPress is easy. All you need is a simple WordPress plugin and a list of items you want to keep track of.

The best to do list plugin for WordPress is WPLift. It’s free and easy to use, and it has a ton of features.

To create a to do list in WPLift, first install the plugin and activate it. Then, go to the WPLift settings page and add a new list.

To add an item to your to do list, click the “Add Item” button and enter the details of your task. WPLift will automatically create a title for your task, and add a due date and a status indicator (active, completed, or pending).

You can add as many items to your to do list as you want. To view your to do list, click the “View List” button and then click the items you want to see.

WPLift is a great to do list plugin for WordPress, and it’s free to try. If you decide you like it, you can buy it from the WPLift website.