How Do I Add Hover Text to an Image in WordPress?

Adding hover text to an image in WordPress is a relatively easy process. The first step is to add a custom field to your image’s post editor. Next, you will need to add a function to your theme’s functions.

php file. Finally, you will need to insert the code into your post.

To add a custom field to your image’s post editor, you will need to access your image’s post details page. Once there, you will need to click on the “Custom Fields” link in the header.

From here, you will need to click on the “Add Custom Field” button.

Next, you will need to provide a name for your custom field and a description. After that, you will need to select the “Text” field as your type.

Finally, you will need to provide a value for your field.

To add a function to your theme’s functions.php file, you will first need to access your theme’s files. After that, you will need to locate the functions. Once you find it, you will need to open it up.

Next, you will need to locate the “Hover Text” function. After you find it, you will need to insert the following code into the function.

add_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘add_hover_text’ );

Finally, you will need to insert the following code into your post.

add_text_field( ‘post_content’, ‘Hover Text’, ” );

Now, you will simply need to insert a link to your image’s post page in your post’s content. After that, you will simply need to provide a value for the “Hover Text” field.