How Do I Create a Subscriber List in WordPress?

Creating a subscriber list in WordPress is a quick and easy process. To begin, first log into your WordPress site and navigate to the “Posts” tab.

Under the “Post” menu, select “Subscribe to a Post”.

Next, enter the email address of the person or group you wish to subscribe to in the “Email Address” field. Click “Subscribe” to add the person or group to your list.

Finally, you will need to configure the WordPress plugin to send the subscriber’s email address automatically each time a new post is published. To do this, open the “Settings” menu for the “Subscribe to a Post” plugin and select the “Subscribe Settings” tab.

Next, under the “Settings” tab, select the “Email Subscriber” option. In the “Email Subscriber” field, enter the email address of the person or group you want to automatically subscribe to posts from.

Finally, select the “Auto-Send New Posts” checkbox to enable the plugin to send the subscriber’s email address each time a new post is published. Click “Save Settings” to save your changes.

Now, whenever a new post is published on your site, the “Subscribe to a Post” plugin will automatically send the email address of the person or group you subscribed to the post to.