How Do I Add a Subscribe Button to My WordPress Email?

Adding a subscribe button to your WordPress email can be a great way to increase subscribers and drive more email traffic to your site. To add a subscribe button, first navigate to your WordPress email account and open the email you wish to add the button to. Next, locate the body of the email and locate the HTML area near the bottom. In this area, you will find a button that reads “Please Subscribe.

” To add a subscribe button to this email, simply copy and paste the following code into the HTML area:


After you have added the subscribe button, you will need to create a WordPress nonce. A WordPress nonce is a unique number that is generated when you first subscribe to a mailing list or create an account. To create a WordPress nonce, simply enter the following code into your WordPress blog’s admin area: wp_create_nonce( ‘subscribe-button-test’ ); After you have created the nonce, you will need to embed it into your subscribe button’s HTML code.

To do this, locate the subscribe button’s HTML code and replace the “__c” and “_wpnonce” values with the nonce you just created. Finally, replace the “email” value with the email address you want to subscribe your readers to.