How Do I Create a Sitemap in WordPress With Yoast?

Creating a sitemap in WordPress with Yoast is a fairly easy task. First, you will need to install Yoast SEO on your WordPress site.

Once Yoast is installed, you can access the Yoast SEO plugin via the admin panel. From the Yoast SEO plugin, select the “Sitemaps” tab.

To create a new sitemap, you will first need to select the “Sitemaps” tab and then click on the “Create New Sitemap” button.

The Yoast SEO plugin will then generate a new sitemap for your WordPress site. To view the sitemap, you will need to click on the “Sitemap” button and then select the “Open In Browser” option.

The generated sitemap will display all of the pages and posts on your WordPress site. You can use the “Page Title” and “Page Description” fields to provide a brief title and description for each page in the sitemap.

You can also use the “Include” and “Exclude” fields to specify which pages and posts should be included and excluded from the sitemap, respectively.

Finally, you can use the “Page Rank” and “Pageviews” fields to determine the Page Rank and pageviews for each page in the sitemap, respectively.

If you have any questions about how to create a sitemap in WordPress with Yoast, feel free to contact us at