How Do I Change Pop Up Settings in WordPress?

If you want to change the settings for pop-UPS in WordPress, there are a few ways to do this. The first way is to go to the WordPress administration area and under the “Settings” menu, click on the “PopUPS” tab. Here, you can select the type of pop-up you want to disable, change the frequency of the pop-UPS, or even completely disable pop-UPS. The second way to change the pop-up settings in WordPress is to use the “Customize” function in the WordPress administration area.

Here, you can select the type of pop-up you want to disable, change the frequency of the pop-UPS, or even completely disable pop-UPS. The last way to change the pop-up settings in WordPress is to use the “Disable PopUPS” plugin. This plugin allows you to disable all pop-UPS, or specify which pop-UPS you want to disable.