How Do I Edit Robots TXT in WordPress?

Robots TXT is a free plugin that allows you to create and manage custom text fields in your WordPress posts and pages. You can use Robots TXT to add custom fields to posts and pages, which can be used to store custom information (such as contact information or login credentials).

To edit robots TXT in WordPress, first install the plugin. Once the plugin is installed, go to the WordPress administration area and click on the “Plugins” menu item.

Then, click on the “Robots TXT” plugin to open the plugin’s settings page. On the plugin’s settings page, you can configure the plugin to work with your WordPress site.

To add a new robots TXT field to a post or page, first click on the “Add New Field” button. Then, enter the name of the field and the desired data type (text, email, or password).

You can also add a custom field’s description and a custom field’s icon.

To edit an existing robots TXT field, first click on the “Edit Field” button. Then, enter the desired data into the field and click on the “Update” button.

You can also click on the “Delete Field” button to remove the field from the post or page.

Finally, you can click on the “Save Changes” button to save the changes to the post or page.

When you’re done editing robots TXT in WordPress, you can click on the “Close” button to exit the plugin’s settings page. Alternatively, you can click on the “SAVE” button to save the changes to the post or page and exit the WordPress administration area.

When you’re finished editing robots TXT in WordPress, you can click on the “Finish” button to close the plugin’s installation page and finish setting up the plugin. Alternatively, you can click on the “Quit” button to exit the WordPress administration area and end the plugin’s installation process.

In conclusion, Robots TXT is a free plugin that allows you to add custom fields to your WordPress posts and pages. You can use the plugin to store custom information (such as contact information or login credentials), and to edit the fields later.