How Do I Create a Reusable Block in WordPress?

Creating a reusable block in WordPress is relatively easy. First, create a new file called “block.

php” in your WordPress theme’s “wp-content” folder. This file should contain the following code:.

__( ‘My Theme Block’, ‘mytheme’ ), ‘description’ => __( ‘A block of content for mytheme’, ‘mytheme’ ), ‘template_suffix’ => ‘block’, ); } ?>

Next, add the following lines to your theme’s functions.php file:

add_action( ‘init’, ‘my_theme_block’);

Finally, add the following lines to your theme’s style.css file:

.my_theme_block { padding: 20px; }

When you’re ready to use your new block, just include it in your theme’s content using the techniques you’re familiar with. For example, you could use the WordPress loop to generate a list of posts and then include the my_theme_block block in each one.