How Do I Create a Block in WordPress?

Creating Blocks in WordPress is a fairly simple process. To get started, first go to your WordPress Dashboard and click on the “Blocks” link in the top left corner.

From here, you can see a list of all the blocks that are currently available in your site. To create a new block, click on the “+” button next to the Block title and then enter the desired information into the fields that appear.

For example, if you want to create a new block called “Blog Posts,” you would enter the following information into the Block details field:

Title: Blog Posts

Description: A block for displaying all of your blog posts.

Once you’ve filled out all the required fields, click on the “Create Block” button to create your new block.

Now that you’ve created your new block, you can use it to display all of your blog posts in one place. To do this, simply select your new block from the Blocks list on the WordPress Dashboard, and then use the WordPress drag and drop UI to drag all of your blog posts into your new block.

That’s all there is to it! Now you can start customizing your new block to your own liking, and then share it with your fellow WordPress users.


Creating Blocks in WordPress is a relatively simple process, and once you have the basics down it’s easy to create custom blocks for your WordPress site.