How Do I Create a Redirect Link in WordPress?

Creating a redirect link in WordPress is a simple process, but there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to create a new slug for your redirect. This slug will be the name of the link you’re creating, and it will be the same as the name of your post (minus the .

post extension). For example, if your post is named “My Awesome Post,” your redirect slug would be “my-awesome-post.”.

Next, you’ll need to add the redirect information to your post’s header. To do this, open your post’s header and locate the “Permalink” field.

In the “Permalink” field, you’ll need to paste the slug you created earlier. After you’ve copied the slug, you’ll need to replace “http://” with “https://” before pasting it into the field.

Finally, you’ll need to create a new “Blog URL” field and paste the URL of your blog into it. You can find your blog URL in the “Settings” menu of your blog, under the “General” tab.

After you’ve entered the blog URL into the “Blog URL” field, you’ll need to paste it into the “Permalink” field in your post’s header.

Congratulations! You’ve now created a redirect link in WordPress!.