How Do You Add Line Spacing in WordPress?

Adding line spacing to your WordPress posts and pages can be a helpful way to improve the readability of your content. There are a few different ways to add line spacing, and the method you choose will depend on the type of content you are writing.

One way to add line spacing is to use the .code .style .css class combination.

To add line spacing to a post, you would use the .code class, followed by the number of spaces you want to add, like this: .code-3.

You can also use the line-height property to add line spacing to your content. To do this, you would add the line-height property to the tag, like this:.

Finally, you can also use the

 tag to add line spacing to your content. To do this, you would add the 
 tag, followed by the number of spaces you want to add, like this: 