How Do I Create a Read More Block in WordPress?

When you create a read more block in WordPress, you can use it to display a short excerpt from the post that you are currently viewing. You can also use it to display a list of related posts.

To create a read more block in WordPress:

1. Open your post editor.

2. locate the paragraph that you want to use as the excerpt for your read more block.

3. click on the “read more” link that appears below the paragraph.

4. In the “read more” block that appears, you can choose the excerpt that you want to use, as well as the number of posts that you want to include in the list of related posts.

5. Click on the “save changes” button to create your read more block.

6. You can now use your read more block to display a short excerpt from the post that you are currently viewing, as well as a list of related posts.