How Do I Add Read More in WordPress?

Adding Read More in WordPress is a pretty simple process, especially if you’re using a plugin. The first step is to locate the read more widget. You can find it under the Widgets area of the WordPress Admin area. Once you’ve found it, click on it to open the widget settings. From here, you’ll need to specify the text that will be displayed when someone scrolls past the read more button. You can also specify a different color for the text and a different font.

Once you’ve filled in the necessary information, click on the Save button to save your changes. Finally, you’ll need to add the read more button to your post or page. To do this, click on the Edit button next to the Featured Image area, and then click on the Add Media button. Once you’ve added the read more button, you’ll need to specify the text and the link that will be displayed when someone clicks on it.