How Do I Create a Preloader in WordPress?

Creating a preloader in WordPress is a simple process that can help to improve the loading time of your site. To create a preloader, you first need to create a custom posttype called “preloader.” Then, you need to create a custom taxonomy called “preloader_term” and add a custom post to it called “preloader.

” Finally, you need to add a custom template to the “/wp-content/themes/your-theme/template.php” file called “preloader.”.

When a user visits your site, the preloader will automatically generate a preloader_term taxonomy term for every post that is loaded. The preloader will also add a preloader_thumbnail taxonomy term to each post that is loaded.

The preloader will use the post’s slug and the post’s post_title to generate the term and thumbnail.

The preloader will also generate a preloader_url taxonomy term. The preloader_url taxonomy term will contain the URL of the post that is being loaded.

The preloader will also add a preloader_time_ago taxonomy term to each post that is loaded. The preloader_time_ago taxonomy term will contain the time stamp of the post that is being loaded.

Finally, the preloader will add a “preloader” metabox to the posts section of the WordPress admin area. The preloader metabox will contain the following fields: “preloader_title,” “preloader_time_ago,” and “preloader_url.”.