How Do I Create a Post Page Template in WordPress?

Creating a post page template in WordPress is easy. In fact, it’s a quick and easy process that can help you streamline your content creation process. Here’s how to create a post page template in WordPress:

First, create a new post type in WordPress. For this example, we’ll create a post about travel.

Next, open the post type’s settings page. On this page, you’ll see a few settings that you need to change in order to create a post page template.

The first setting is the post type’s name. In this example, we’ll call our post type “Travel Post.”.

The second setting is the post type’s slug. In this example, we’ll use the slug “travel-post.”

Finally, you need to enable the post type’s pagination. To do this, scroll down to the bottom of the settings page and click the “Show pagination options” link.

Now that we’ve enabled the post type and set its name and slug, we need to create our post page template. To do this, go to the post type’s front-end template folder (in this example, it’s located at wp-content/travel-post/).

Inside of this folder, you’ll see a file called “post-page.php.

” This is the post page template that we’ll be using.

To create a post page in WordPress, we first need to create a new page. To do this, open post-page.

php and scroll down to the line that reads “$page = new WP_Page();.

Next, replace this line with the following:

$page = new WP_Page();

Now, we need to create our post content. To do this, we’ll need to create a new WP_Post object.

To do this, open post-page.php and scroll down to the line that reads “$post = new WP_Post();.

$post = new WP_Post();

Now, we need to add our post content to our post page. To do this, we’ll need to use the WP_Post object’s get_content() function.php and scroll down to the line that reads “$post->get_content();.


Now, we need to add some pagination options to our post page.

php and scroll down to the line that reads “$page->has_posts();.


Finally, we need to add a link to our post’s home page.

php and scroll down to the line that reads “$page->add_link(‘home’);.


Now, we’re ready to create our post page. To do this, open your WordPress blog’s front-end and click the “Add New” button.

Next, enter the post’s title in the “Title” field, and then click the “Add” button.

Next, enter the post’s content in the “Content” field, and then click the “Add” button.

Finally, click the “Save” button to create your post page.

Congratulations! You’ve now created a post page template in WordPress.