How Do I Create a Post Type Archive in WordPress?

Creating a WordPress post type archive can be a helpful way to organize your blog posts. You can create an archive of any type of post, including posts about your blog, product reviews, or anything else you think would be useful for your readers.

To create an archive post type, first go to the “Posts” menu in your WordPress blog, and then click on the “Post Type” button. This will open the “Create New Post Type” screen.

On this screen, you will need to name your post type and select a template. You can choose between a standard post template or a custom template.

Once you have chosen your template, you will need to specify the properties of your new post type. The “Name” property is the name of your post type, and the “Description” property is the description of your post type.

You can also specify a category for your post type and an archive template.

Once you have configured your post type, you will need to add your posts to it. To do this, go to the “Posts” menu in your WordPress blog, and then click on the “Add New Post” button. This will open the “Post Details” screen.

In this screen, you will need to enter the name of the post, the content of the post, and the post type of the post. You will also need to select the post type archive from the dropdown menu.

Once you have added your posts, you will need to configure the post type archive. To do this, go to the “Post Type” menu in your WordPress blog, and then click on the “Archive” button. This will open the “Archive Settings” screen.

In this screen, you will need to specify the name of your archive, the date range of your archive, and the posts to include in your archive. You can also specify whether or not to create a category for your archive.

Once you have completed your post type archive, you can share it with your readers by going to the “Posts” menu in your WordPress blog, and then clicking on the “Share” button. This will open the “Share Post” screen.

In this screen, you will need to enter the name of the post, the post type, and the url of the post. You can also specify whether or not to include the category and archive template in the share.

Overall, creating a WordPress post type archive can be a helpful way to organize your blog posts. By specifying the properties of your new post type, you can easily configure the archive screen to include the posts you want.

Additionally, by sharing your post type archive with your readers, you can provide them with a convenient way to access your posts.