How Do I Create a Pop Up Registration Form in WordPress?

Creating a pop up registration form in WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, create a new file in your WordPress site, and name it “register.

php”. Within this file, you’ll need to include the following code:.

‘Your Name’, ’email’ => ‘Your Email Address’, ‘password’ => ‘Your Password’, ‘referral’ => ‘Referral Code’ ), ‘submit’ ); ?>

Next, you’ll need to create a header file within your WordPress site, and name it “register.h5”. Within this file, you’ll need to include the following code:

Finally, you’ll need to create a footer file within your WordPress site, and name it “register.f4”. Within this file, you’ll need to include the following code:

When you’re finished, your register.php file will look something like this:

‘Your Name’, ’email’ => ‘Your Email Address’, ‘password’ => ‘Your Password’, ‘referral’ => ‘Referral Code’ ), ‘submit’ ); ?>
