How Do I Create a Pop Up Contact Form in WordPress?

Creating a pop-up contact form in WordPress is an easy process that can be completed in just a few minutes. First, create a new file in your WordPress site and name it contact.

php. In this file, you will need to include the following code:.


‘action’ => ‘contact_form’,

‘method’ => ‘post’




Next, you will need to create a contact form in your WordPress site. To do this, open your WordPress site and locate the WordPress admin area.

Click on the ‘Appearance’ tab and then select the ‘Contact Forms’ plugin from the list of plugins. Click on the ‘Add New’ button and enter the following information:.

Name: mycontactform

Description: Contact Form

Type: Form

Action: contact_form

Method: post

When you are finished, click on the ‘Save’ button to save your changes. Next, you will need to create a new file in your WordPress site and name it contact.

When you are finished, click on the ‘Save’ button to save your changes. Finally, you will need to add a contact form submission form to your WordPress site.

To do this, open your WordPress site and locate the WordPress admin area. Click on the ‘Pages’ tab and then select the ‘Add New’ button. Enter the following information:. When you are done, your pop up contact form should look like this:.