How Do I Create a Pop Up Image in WordPress?

Creating a pop up image in WordPress is a relatively easy process. First, you’ll need to create a new file called popup.php in your WordPress installation. This file will contain the code necessary to create the pop up.

Next, you’ll need to create a function called popup() in your WordPress theme or plugin. This function will contain the code necessary to create the pop up. Finally, you’ll need to use the function to create the popup. Here are instructions on how to do each of these steps.

1. Create a new file called popup.

php in your WordPress installation.

2. In the popup.php file, you’ll need to include the following lines of code:

require_once ‘WPBakeryShortCode/Shortcodes.php';
require_once ‘.

/ Popup.php';.

3. Next, you’ll need to create a function called popup() in your WordPress theme or plugin.

This function will contain the code necessary to create the pop up.

4. To create the popup, you’ll need to use the function to create a new object called $popup.

This object will contain the information necessary to create the pop up.

5. To create the popup, you’ll need to use the following code to create the object:

$popup = new WPBakeryShortCode_Popup();

6. Next, you’ll need to set some properties of the $popup object.

The first property you’ll need to set is the title of the popup. To do this, you’ll use the following code:.

$popup->title = ‘My Pop Up';

7. Next, you’ll need to set the height and width of the popup. To do this, you’ll use the following code:

$popup->height = 600;

$popup->width = 800;

8. Finally, you’ll need to set the position of the popup. To do this, you’ll use the following code:

$popup->pos = ‘top';

9. That’s all there is to it! You now have a working pop up image in WordPress.