How Do I Create a Nested Accordion in WordPress?

There are three methods you can use to create a nested accordion in WordPress: 1. Using the shortcode; 2.

Using the widget; 3. Using the Accordion class.

The shortcode is the easiest option and works best if you only need a single accordion. To use the shortcode, add the following to your post or page:

[accordion title=”My Nested Accordion”]

My Nested Accordion


The [accordion] shortcode will create a default accordion with the given title. You can then add content within the [accordion] tag and it will be displayed within the accordion.

If you need to create more than one nested accordion, you can use the widget. To use the widget, add the following to your post or page:

[accordion title=”My Nested Accordion 1″]

My Nested Accordion 1

[accordion title=”My Nested Accordion 2″]

My Nested Accordion 2

[accordion title=”My Nested Accordion 3″]

My Nested Accordion 3

The [accordion] shortcode will still work, but the accordions will be displayed as widgets. You can then add content within the [accordion] tags and the widgets will be displayed within the accordions.

If you need to create more than one nested accordion, you can use the Accordion class. To use the Accordion class, add the following to your post or page:

The Accordion class will create a single accordion with the given title and will display the accordions as separate pages. You can then add content within the [accordion] tags and the accordions will be displayed within the accordion.