How Do I Add a Nested Tab in WordPress?

Adding a nested tab in WordPress is a simple process that can help organize your content and make it more user-friendly. To add a nested tab, first open your WordPress admin area and click on the Posts tab. Next, click on the Edit button next to the post you want to add a nested tab to. On the Edit Post screen, click on the Tabs button. This will open the Tabs screen. In the Tabs screen, click on the + button to create a new tab.

In the New Tab field, enter a name for the new tab, such as nested tab 1. In the Parent tab field, enter the name of the tab that you want the new tab to be a child of. In the Content field, enter the content for the new tab. Click on the save button to create the new tab. Next, click on the nested tab 1 tab to open the content for that tab.