How Do I Create a Meta Query in WordPress?

Meta queries are a powerful way to surface information within your WordPress blog. By using meta queries, you can filter posts based on specific criteria, like author, post date, or even topic.

To create a meta query in WordPress, first locate the “Query” menu item in the WordPress admin area. This menu item includes a list of all the meta queries that have been created in your blog.

To create a new meta query, click on the “New” button. This will open up a new meta query dialog box.

To specify the criteria for your meta query, first select the “Query” category from the list on the left side of the dialog box. This will display a list of all the posts in the blog that match the selected category.

To filter the posts by criteria, first select the criteria from the list on the right side of the dialog box. This will display a list of all the posts that match the selected criteria.

To add a new condition to your query, click on the “Add condition” button. This will open up a new dialog box that allows you to specify the condition for the post you are filtering.

To add a new filter to your query, click on the “New filter” button. This will open up a new dialog box that allows you to specify the filter for the post you are filtering.

Once you have added all the filters and conditions you want to your query, click on the “OK” button to finish creating your meta query.

To view the results of your meta query, click on the “Query results” button. This will open up a new dialog box that will show you a list of all the posts that match the criteria you specified in your query.

To filter the results by author, post date, or topic, click on the “Select author”, “Select date”, or “Select topic” buttons, respectively.

To view the post details for a given post, click on the “View post” button. This will open up the post in the WordPress editor.

To save the results of your meta query, click on the “Save results” button. This will save the results of your meta query in the WordPress database.

To discard the results of your meta query, click on the “Discard results” button. This will discard the results of your meta query and remove it from the WordPress database.

To view the meta data for a given post, click on the “Meta data” button. This will open up the post in the WordPress editor with the meta data added.

To export the results of your meta query, click on the “Export results” button. This will export the results of your meta query in a comma-separated value (CSV) format.

To close the meta query dialog box, click on the “OK” button.

meta queries are a powerful way to surface information within your WordPress blog.