How Do I Add Infinite Scroll in WordPress?

Adding Infinite Scroll in WordPress is as simple as adding a few lines of code to your theme’s functions.php file.

Once you have added the code, you will need to configure your theme to use the Infinite Scroll plugin. The Infinite Scroll plugin requires a little bit of setup, but the end result is a plugin that will allow your users to scroll through your posts and pages without ever having to stop.

To add the Infinite Scroll code to your theme, open your theme’s functions.php file and add the following line:

add_action( ‘infinite_scroll’, ‘my_theme_infinite_scroll_handler’);

After adding the line, you will need to create a function called my_theme_infinite_scroll_handler. Within this function, you will need to add the following code:

function my_theme_infinite_scroll_handler() { // Enable Infinite Scroll if ( is_page() ) { add_infinite_scroll_header(); } else if ( is_post() ) { add_infinite_scroll_footer(); } }

Once you have added the code, you will need to configure your Infinite Scroll plugin. To do this, open the Infinite Scroll plugin’s settings page and click the “Configure” button. Within the “Configure” page, you will need to enter the following information:

1. Enable Infinite Scroll: This setting will allow your users to scroll through your posts and pages without ever having to stop.

2. Scroll To: This setting will determine where your users will be automatically redirected when they reach the end of a post or page.

3. Post Type: This setting will determine which posts and pages will be affected by Infinite Scroll.

4. Enable Infinite Scroll on All Posts: By default, Infinite Scroll will only be enabled on posts that are in the front page loop.

If you would like Infinite Scroll to be enabled on all posts, you will need to disable this setting and enter “true” into the “Scroll To” field.

5. Enable Infinite Scroll on All Pages: By default, Infinite Scroll will only be enabled on pages that are in the front page loop.

If you would like Infinite Scroll to be enabled on all pages, you will need to disable this setting and enter “true” into the “Scroll To” field.

6. Enable Infinite Scroll on Specific Pages: You can also configure Infinite Scroll to only be enabled on specific pages by entering the page’s URL into the “Page URL” field.

7. Enable Infinite Scroll on Specific Posts: You can also configure Infinite Scroll to only be enabled on specific posts by entering the post’s URL into the “Post URL” field.

8. Enable Infinite Scroll for Specific Pages: You can also configure Infinite Scroll to only be enabled on specific pages by entering the page’s URL into the “Page URL” field.

9. Enable Infinite Scroll for Specific Posts: You can also configure Infinite Scroll to only be enabled on specific posts by entering the post’s URL into the “Post URL” field.

10. Infinite Scroll Speed: This setting determines how quickly your posts and pages will be scrolled.

11. Infinite Scroll Threshold: This setting determines how many posts or pages will be displayed before Infinite Scroll is disabled.

12. Infinite Scroll Duration: This setting determines how long Infinite Scroll will be enabled for.

13. Infinite Scroll Weight: This setting determines how heavily Infinite Scroll will be weighted in the search engine.

14. Infinite Scroll Priority: This setting determines how high the Infinite Scroll keyword rank will be.

15. Infinite Scroll URL: This setting allows you to specify a custom URL that will be used when displaying Infinite Scroll content.

Once you have added the code, configured the Infinite Scroll plugin, and entered your website’s settings, you are ready to start using Infinite Scroll on your WordPress site. The best way to test Infinite Scroll is to post a few sample posts and pages and see how they scroll.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the Infinite Scroll support team.