How Do I Create a Landing Page Menu in WordPress?

Creating a landing page menu in WordPress is quite simple. First, you need to create a menu item in the main menu of your WordPress site.

Once you have created the menu item, you need to add a menu item link to it. To do this, open the menu item in the WordPress admin area and click on the “add a link” button.

In the “Link Title” field, enter the title of the menu item that you want to add to the landing page. In the “Link Description” field, enter a brief description of the menu item.

In the “Link URL” field, enter the URL of the menu item.

Finally, in the “Target” field, enter the name of the menu item category that you want the menu item to appear in. WordPress will automatically add a “submenu” link to the menu item, which you can use to organize your menu items into specific categories.

Your finished landing page menu should look something like this:


Creating a landing page menu in WordPress is a simple process that can help you improve the usability of your site. By organizing your menu items into specific categories, you can create a more user-friendly experience for your visitors.