How Do I Add a Landing Page to WordPress?

Adding a landing page to WordPress is a fairly easy process. All you need is a WordPress site with a custom domain name, and an active WordPress account.

To get started, first create a new page in your WordPress site. Name the page whatever you like, and make sure to add the . landing page suffix to the page name.

(For example, my-new-blog.landingpage).

Next, go to your WordPress site’s Settings page, and under the “General” tab, click on the “Pages” link. This will open the Pages panel.

In the Pages panel, click on the “Add New Page” button. This will open the Add New Page dialog box.

In the Add New Page dialog box, type in the page name (my-new-blog.landingpage), and select the “Landing Pages” option from the drop-down menu.

Click on the “Create” button to save the page.

Now, you need to add a content file to the my-new-blog.landingpage page. To do this, click on the “Add New Text” button in the Pages panel, and then type in the following content:

Welcome to my new WordPress landing page!

Please check out the helpful resources below to get started with your new blog.

Thank you for visiting!

Click on the “Create” button to save the content file.

Finally, you need to create a custom WordPress landing page template. To do this, go to the “Themes” panel in your WordPress site’s Settings page, and click on the “Add New Theme” button.

In the Add New Theme dialog box, type in the name “Landing Pages”, and select the “Landing Pages” option from the drop-down menu.

Click on the “Create” button to save the template.

Now, you’re ready to add a landing page to your WordPress site. To do this, simply copy the content from the my-new-blog.

landingpage page, and paste it into the new landing page template.

Finally, add a “Welcome” section to the page, and add any additional content you think would be helpful for visitors. (For example, blog posts, helpful resources, etc.)

Thank you for reading!

Adding a landing page to your WordPress site is a fairly easy process. To get started, first create a new page in your WordPress site.landing page suffix to the page name. (For example, my-new-blog. Next, go to your WordPress site’s Settings page, and under the “General” tab, click on the “Pages” link. In the Pages panel, click on the “Add New Page” button. In the Add New Page dialog box, type in the page name (my-new-blog.

landingpage), and select the “Landing Pages” option from the drop-down menu. Click on the “Create” button to save the page. Now, you need to add a content file to the my-new-blog. To do this, click on the “Add New Text” button in the Pages panel, and then type in the following content:

Welcome to my new WordPress landing page!

Please check out the helpful resources below to get started with your new blog.

Thank you for visiting!

Finally, you need to create a custom WordPress landing page template. In the Add New Theme dialog box, type in the name “Landing Pages”, and select the “Landing Pages” option from the drop-down menu. Click on the “Create” button to save the template. Now, you’re ready to add a landing page to your WordPress site.landingpage page, and paste it into the new landing page template. Finally, add a “Welcome” section to the page,.