How Do I Create a Horizontal Dropdown Menu in WordPress?

Creating a horizontal dropdown menu in WordPress is fairly straightforward. First, create a menu item in your posts or pages as you would any other WordPress post or page content.

Next, create a new file in your theme called menu.php and add the following code to it:

Next, add the following lines of code to your header.php file:

require_once ‘menu.php';

And finally, add the following line to the bottom of your template file:


Now, you can use the menu in your posts or pages just like any other WordPress content. To create a dropdown menu, simply add a div with the class wp-menu-item to the content of the div you want to use as your menu. Then, add the following lines of code to the code above:

For example, to create a dropdown menu with three options, you would add the following lines of code:
