How Do I Create a Debug Log in WordPress?

Debugging WordPress is an important part of being able to troubleshoot issues and fix them. There are many different ways to debug WordPress, but one of the simplest is to use a debug log.

To create a debug log in WordPress, first go to the wp-admin area and select the “Settings” menu item. Then, on the “General” tab, click on the “Debug” link.

In the “Debug” screen, you will see a list of different areas you can debug. The most important area to debug is the “Logging” section.

In this section, you can select the “WP_DEBUG” log level and enable the “All” filter. This will enable WordPress to log all activity in the WordPress database, the WordPress core files, and the WordPress plugin files.

You can also enable the “Debug Views” and “Debug Posts” log levels to help you debug specific WordPress activities. The “Debug Posts” log level will only log post creation activity, while the “Debug Views” log level will log all activity in the WordPress views and menus.

Once you have enabled the log levels, you will need to specify a log file name. WordPress will create a temporary log file in the wp-content area and name it based on the log level you have selected. For example, the “Debug” level will create a file named “wp-debug.

log”, while the “Info” level will create a file named “wp-info.log”.

Once you have created the debug log, you can use it to troubleshoot issues. If you are unable to fix an issue, you can use the debug log to help track down the problem.