How Do I Create a Custom Query in WordPress?

Creating a custom query in WordPress is a relatively easy process. To start, open your WordPress admin area and navigate to the “Queries” menu item.

You will then see a list of all of your current queries. If you don’t have any existing queries, you can create a new one by clicking the “Create Query” button.

To create a new custom query, you first need to decide what type of query you want to create. There are three main types of queries in WordPress: search, post types, and taxonomies.

Search queries are used to find posts, pages, and other elements on your site. To create a search query, first enter a search term into the text field located at the top of the Queries menu.

Next, select the type of search you want to create from the drop-down menu located at the top of the screen.

Post types are used to group posts together. For example, you could create a post type called “News” and then assign all of your news articles to that post type.

To create a post type, first click the “Create New Post Type” button located at the bottom of the Queries menu.

Taxonomies are used to categorize posts and pages. For example, you could create a taxonomy called “Shop” and then assign all of your store posts to that taxonomy.

To create a taxonomy, first click the “Create New Taxonomy” button located at the bottom of the Queries menu.

After you have decided what type of query you want to create, you need to enter the relevant information into the query fields. To create a search query, for example, you would need to enter the search term into the text field located at the top of the Queries menu and then select the type of search you want to create from the drop-down menu located at the top of the screen.

Once you have entered the information into the query fields, you need to configure the options for your query. To do this, click the “Configure” button located at the bottom of the Queries menu.

The “Configure” button located at the bottom of the Queries menu allows you to configure the following options for your query:

Query Type – You can choose between a search query and a post type query.

– You can choose between a search query and a post type query. The Order of Results – You can specify which posts and pages should appear first in the results of your query.

– You can specify which posts and pages should appear first in the results of your query. The Filter Field – You can specify which fields should be used to filter the results of your query.

– You can specify which fields should be used to filter the results of your query. The Date Range – You can specify which dates should be used to filter the results of your query.

– You can specify which dates should be used to filter the results of your query. The Exclude WordPress Categories – You can specify which WordPress categories should be excluded from the results of your query.

– You can specify which WordPress categories should be excluded from the results of your query. The Exclude Posts – You can specify which posts should be excluded from the results of your query.

– You can specify which posts should be excluded from the results of your query. The Exclude Pages – You can specify which pages should be excluded from the results of your query.

– You can specify which pages should be excluded from the results of your query. The Exclude Taxonomies – You can specify which taxonomies should be excluded from the results of your query.

– You can specify which taxonomies should be excluded from the results of your query. The Order of Results by Type – You can specify which posts and pages should be sorted according to the type of query they are in.

– You can specify which posts and pages should be sorted according to the type of query they are in. The Order of Results by Date – You can specify which posts and pages should be sorted according to the date they were created.

– You can specify which posts and pages should be sorted according to the date they were created. The Order of Results by Status – You can specify which posts and pages should be sorted according to their status (published, draft, or unpublished).

– You can specify which posts and pages should be sorted according to their status (published, draft, or unpublished). The Order of Results by Status – You can specify which posts and.