How Do I Create a Custom Page Attribute in WordPress?

Custom Page Attributes in WordPress
If you’re looking to tweak some of the basic features of your WordPress site, custom page attributes are a great way to do it. Here we’ll walk you through the basics of creating and using custom page attributes, and provide a few tips on how to get the most out of them.

What are custom page attributes?

As the name implies, custom page attributes are simply customisable bits of information that can be applied to individual pages or posts. They can be anything from a custom logo to a custom CSS style.

How do I create a custom page attribute?

The easiest way to create a custom page attribute is to go to the Pages or Posts metaboxes (depending on which type of content you’re working with), and click on the ‘Add an attribute’ button.

This will open the Add Custom Attribute window. Here, you can enter a name for your attribute, and select the type of content it will apply to.

You can also specify a value for the attribute, and decide whether or not it should be mandatory (for pages only) or optional (for posts only).

When you’re done, click on the ‘Save’ button to save your new attribute.

How do I use a custom page attribute?

Once you’ve created a custom page attribute, you can use it in a few different ways.

One way is to use it as a filter in the Page Attributes metabox. This allows you to easily apply custom formatting and styles to all the pages in your site using a single filter.

Another way is to use it in the custom post type metabox. This lets you specify a custom post type for any post that uses the attribute, and gives you control over all the usual post attributes (title, excerpt, featured image, etc).

Finally, you can use the attribute in the content of a page or post. This is particularly useful if you want to add a custom logo or CSS style to a page, without having to edit the source code.


Custom page attributes are a great way to tweak the basic features of your WordPress site. They’re easy to use, and provide a lot of flexibility in terms of what you can do with them.