How Do I Create a Custom Logo Size in WordPress?

Logos are one of the most important elements of a website. They can represent the company, the brand, or the product.

A good logo design can make a website look professional and attractive.

WordPress has a built-in feature that allows you to customize the size of your logos. To do this, you first need to create a custom post type.

Then, add a logo as a custom field to that post type. Here’s how to do it:.

1. First, create a custom post type.

To do this, go to your WordPress administration area and click on the “Posts” menu item. Then, click on the “Create a New Post” button.

2. On the “Post Type” screen, select the “Custom Post Type” option.

3. On the “Create Custom Post Type” screen, give your new post type a name (for example, “Logo”).

4. Click on the “Create Custom Field” button.

5. On the “Create Custom Field” screen, select the “Logo” option.

6. On the “Logo” screen, give your new logo field a name (for example, “Logo”).


8. On the “Logo” screen, enter the dimensions of your logo.

WordPress will automatically calculate the height and width of your logo.


10. On the “Logo” screen, click on the “Save Changes” button.

11. Your new logo size will now be available in the “Settings” screen of your custom post type.

You can also access this screen by clicking on the “Posts” menu item and then clicking on the “Settings” button.

12. You’re now ready to use your new logo size in your WordPress website.

To do this, first add your new logo to your website. Then, go to the “Settings” screen of your custom post type and click on the “Publish” button.

13. WordPress will now publish your new logo to your website.

You can also use the “Publish” button to publish your new logo to all of your WordPress websites.

14. Finally, you’re ready to conclude this article. Here’s how to do it:


Customizing the size of your WordPress logos is a useful way to make your website look more professional. By following these simple steps, you can easily create a custom logo size in WordPress.