How Do I Install WordPress on Linux Mint 19?

If you’re looking to install WordPress on Linux Mint 19, there are a few things you’ll need to do first. First, you’ll need to download and install the Linux Mint 19 installer. After that, you’ll need to boot into the installer and select the “Install Ubuntu” option.

Next, you’ll need to select the “WordPress” option and click on the “Install” button. Finally, you’ll need to input the username and password for your WordPress installation and click on the “Install” button to complete the process.

Once the WordPress installation is complete, you’ll need to update the system and install some required packages. To do this, open the “Software Manager” application and click on the ” Updates” tab.

Next, click on the “Install” button next to the “WordPress” package and wait for the update to complete. Finally, you’ll need to open the “WordPress” application and click on the “Admin” tab to begin setting up your WordPress installation.

Once you’ve completed the setup process, you’ll need to configure WordPress to work properly on your system. To do this, click on the “Admin” tab and click on the “Settings” button.

Next, click on the “General” tab and enter your desired WordPress settings into the fields that appear. Finally, click on the “Save” button to save your changes and close the “Settings” tab.

Now that your WordPress installation is configured, you can start blogging and making your website content available to the public. To do this, simply click on the “Admin” tab and click on the “Publish” button to begin publishing your content online.

If you need any help along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Linux Mint community for assistance. Finally, don’t forget to thank the developers of Linux Mint for making WordPress available on their platform.