How Do I Create a Contact Form Form Contact 7 in WordPress?

Creating a contact form in WordPress is easy. The following steps will show you how to create a basic contact form.

First, you will need to create a new file in your WordPress site. In this file, you will need to include the following code:

Second, you will need to include the contact form plugin. To do this, go to your site’s plugins page and click on the “Add New” button.

In the “Plugin Name” field, type contact_form and in the “Plugin Description” field, type a brief description of the plugin. Click on the “Install” button.

Third, you will need to add a form field for the user’s email address. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s custom fields page and add a new field called “Email”. In the “Title” field, type the user’s email address. In the “Type” field, select the “Text” option.

In the “Value” field, type the user’s email address. Click on the “Add” button.

Fourth, you will need to add a form field for the user’s name. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s custom fields page and add a new field called “Name”. In the “Title” field, type the user’s name.

In the “Value” field, type the user’s name.

Fifth, you will need to add a form field for the user’s email address and name. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s custom fields page and add a new field called “Email Name”.

In the “Value” field, type the user’s email address and name.

Sixth, you will need to add a form action field. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s custom fields page and add a new field called “Action”. In the “Title” field, type the contact form’s action.

In the “Value” field, type the contact form’s action (usually contact.php).

Seventh, you will need to add a form method field. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s custom fields page and add a new field called “Method”. In the “Title” field, type the contact form’s method.

In the “Value” field, type the contact form’s method (usually post).

Eighth, you will need to add the contact form to your contact.php file.

To do this, open your contact.php file and add the following code:.

addField(‘Email’, ‘Name’, ‘Email Name’);

$contactForm->addField(‘Email’, ‘Name’);

$contactForm->addField(‘Action’, ‘contact.php’);

$contactForm->addField(‘Method’, ‘post’);

$contactForm->addField(‘Form’, ‘contact.php’);



ninth, you will need to add a function to your contact.php file that will call the contact form’s submit function.

function contact_form_submit() {


At this point, your contact form is ready to use. To test it, go to your site’s contact page and submit the form.