How Do I Add a Contact Form 7 in WordPress?

Adding a contact form in WordPress is easy. You just need to add the contact form plugin and configure it to work with your site.

Once you have done that, you can add the form anywhere you want on your website.

To add the contact form plugin, click on the “Add new” button on the WordPress plugin manager. In the “Searchplugins” field, type “contact form 7” and press the “Enter” key.

The contact form plugin will be the first plugin that appears in the list of results.

To configure the contact form plugin, click on the “Settings” button. In the “Contact form settings” section, you will need to provide your site’s email address and password. Next, you will need to decide which fields you want the users to be able to fill in.

The fields that are available vary depending on the version of the contact form plugin that you are using. For example, the version 3 of the contact form plugin allows you to specify whether the form should be mandatory or not.

Once you have completed these steps, you can add the contact form to any location on your website. You can add it as a widget on your sidebar, as a footer widget, or as a form element on your website. The final step is to configure the form’s action.

This is where you tell the contact form plugin what to do with the data that is input by the users. You can either send the data directly to a server, or save it in a database.

Overall, adding a contact form in WordPress is easy. All you need is the contact form plugin and some basic configuration settings.