How Do I Create a Coming Soon Page in WordPress?

Creating a coming soon page in WordPress is fairly easy. First, create a new page in your WordPress site.

Give it a name like “Coming Soon” or “In Progress.” Next, go to the Settings page and under the “General” tab, click on the “Coming Soon” tab.

In the “Coming Soon” tab, you’ll want to enter a title for your page, and optionally, a description. You can also optionally add a logo and a few images.

Finally, you’ll want to set a date for when your page will be live.

Once you’ve completed the coming soon page settings, you’ll need to add a few links. Under the “Links” tab, add a link to your main blog page, and optionally, a link to your coming soon page.

You can also add a link to your “About” page, or any other pages you want people to be able to find when visiting your coming soon page.

Finally, you’ll want to add a “Contact” link. This will allow people who are interested in learning more about your upcoming project to contact you directly.

Now that your coming soon page is set up, you can start promoting it! You can use social media to share the page with your followers, or use Google AdWords to promote the page to potential customers.


Creating a coming soon page in WordPress is easy and can be a great way to keep your followers updated on your latest project.