How Do I Create a Block Quote in WordPress?

Creating a block quote in WordPress is easy. Just select the text you want to include in your quote, and click the “Block Quote” button in the WordPress toolbar.

WordPress will create a blockquote with the selected text enclosed in quotation marks. You can then style the quote however you like, including adding a background color, font, and size.

You can also add a link to the source of the quote if you want. Simply enter the URL of the source text into the “Link” field and click the “Link” button.

WordPress will automatically create a hyperlink to the source text.

Finally, you can add a caption to your quote if you want. Just type in a brief description of the quote in the “Caption” field and click the “Caption” button.

WordPress will automatically generate a caption for your quote.

Overall, creating a blockquote in WordPress is easy and convenient. It’s a great way to include a quick quote in your blog post without having to copy and paste the text.