How Do I Count the Number of Visitors to My WordPress Site?

If you want to know how many people have visited your WordPress site, there are a few ways to go about it. You can use a plugin like Google Analytics, or you can use a more general tracking tool like WebPageTest.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free plugin that allows you to track how many people have visited your WordPress site, as well as how long they spent on the site, and what pages they visited. To get started, you will need to install the plugin and add a tracking code to your WordPress site.

After you have installed Google Analytics and added the tracking code, you will need to set up your account and configure the plugin.

To track visits, you will need to set up a GA account and create a tracking code.

To track how long people spend on your site, you will need to set up a GA account and create a tracking code.

To track what pages people visit, you will need to set up a GA account and create a tracking code.


WebPageTest is a free and open-source web performance testing tool. It measures how long it takes your WordPress site to load from the ground up, as well as how long it takes to load different pages.

You can use WebPageTest to measure how many people have visited your WordPress site, as well as how long they spend on the site, and what pages they visit.

To use WebPageTest, you will need to install the plugin and create a testing account.

After you have installed the plugin and created an account, you will need to set up your testing environment.

To measure how long it takes your WordPress site to load from the ground up, you will need to set up a testing environment and run the tests.

To measure how long it takes your WordPress site to load different pages, you will need to set up a testing environment and run the tests.

After you have set up your testing environment and run the tests, you will be able to measure how long it takes your WordPress site to load from the ground up, as well as how long it takes to load different pages.


There are a few ways to measure how many people have visited your WordPress site. Google Analytics is a free and easy to use plugin, while WebPageTest is a free and open-source web performance testing tool.