How Do I Count Hits on My WordPress Website?

So, you’ve finally got your WordPress website up and running and you’re wondering how to track how many people have visited it. There are a few different ways you can do this, and which one is right for your site depends on a few factors.

The first way to track visits is to use Google Analytics. This free service will give you detailed information about who visited your site, when they visited, and what pages they visited.

You can also see how users are interacting with your site – for example, by viewing pages multiple times or by clicking on links.

If you want to keep track of more specific information, you can use a more advanced analytics service like Mixpanel. This service will let you track user behavior on a per-page basis, as well as track how users are interacting with your site’s elements (such as buttons, forms, and posts).

Ultimately, the best way to track how many people have visited your WordPress website is to experiment and see what works best for you. There are a lot of different analytics services out there, so it’s important to find one that will give you the data you need to measure your site’s success.