How Do I Change the WooCommerce Add to Cart Button Text in WordPress?

Adding a WooCommerce Add to Cart button is super easy in WordPress! All you need to do is add a few lines of code to your theme’s functions.php file. Here’s how to do it:

1. First, find the functions.

php file in your WordPress theme directory.

2. Next, locate the WooCommerce Add to Cart button code block and add the following lines of code to it:

function woo_add_to_cart_button() { add_to_cart_button( ”, __( ‘Add To Cart’, ‘woo_theme’ ), ‘WooCommerce’ ); }

3. Save your changes to the functions.

php file.

4. Finally, make sure the WooCommerce Add to Cart button is displayed on your website by visiting the Appearance > Custom CSS > Buttons > Add to Cart button and setting the button’s CSS class to ‘WooCommerce-add-to-cart’.