How Do I Change the Title of My WordPress Search?

When you’re looking for something on your WordPress site, how do you change the title of the search box so that it’s more specific?

There are a few different ways to do this.

One way is to add a custom query field to your post or page template. To do this, open your post or page template in a text editor, and find the

element where you want to add the search box.

Inside the
element, add the following code:

Next, add the following code to the
element’s afterLoad() function:


This will set the value of the query field to an empty string.

Now all you have to do is add a title attribute to the element, and you’ll be able to specify the title of the search box.

To do this, add the following code to the
element’s afterLoad() function:

$(“#query”).attr(“title”, “Search WordPress”);

And that’s all there is to it!

Now when you enter a search term in the search box, the title of the search box will be displayed above it.

You can also use this code to change the title of the search box on a per-post or per-page basis.

$(“#query”).attr(“title”, “$(post_title) Search WordPress”);

$(“#query”).attr(“title”, “Search Posts by Title”);

$(“#query”).attr(“title”, “Search Posts by Author”);

$(“#query”).attr(“title”, “Search Posts by Date”);


Changing the title of your WordPress search box is easy, and you can use this code to change the title of the search box on a per-post or per-page basis.